About Us
This website is designed as a learning and sharing hub. It was conceived thorough a network of zero waste practitioners, Non-Governmental Organisations, environmental activists, researchers, and waste picker associations, to offer a platform focused on zero waste in Africa. The hub shares resources publicly (webinar videos, toolkits, reports, stories, and other learnings) to anyone interested in learning with us on making zero waste initiatives work for a sustainable and just future.
Zero Waste Stories from Africa
Zero Waste Stories From #Africa is a compilation of #zerowaste case studies from six different African countries. This...
Zero Waste at Home is possible!
Residents within a complex in a Durban suburb have agreed to sort their weekly collections of recyclable materials for...
Making cents of Composting: a Municipal Savings Model
Globally the waste sector is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. One of the more significant impacts of...