About Us

Africa Zero Waste Hub

This website is designed as a learning and sharing hub. It was conceived thorough a network of zero waste practitioners, Non-Governmental Organisations, environmental activists, researchers, and waste picker associations, to offer a platform focused on zero waste in Africa. The hub shares resources publicly (webinar videos, toolkits, reports, stories, and other learnings) to anyone interested in learning with us on making zero waste initiatives work for a sustainable and just future.


Origin Story

The Africa Zero Waste Hub is a product of an umbrella project funded by the Urban Movement Innovation Fund (UMIF) that focused on mobilising and organising around zero waste in cities. The Hub content is generated from the generous sharing and learning that continues to take place online across different contexts between the Durban University of Technology’s Urban Futures Centre (UFC@DUT), groundWork (gW), Asiye eTafuleni (during 2021-2023) – all based in Durban, South Africa, Nipe Fagio (Tanzania), Purpose (Kenya), the Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) (Ghana), the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) and UMI. While the South African team of this network, who work on the Warwick Zero Waste project (WZW Project), are responsible for the website development and design, the content and learnings here are generated from all these organisations and partners – it is through learning and sharing as a collective that we can move towards better zero waste practices.

If you have a zero waste project or story that you would like to share with us on the website, please contact Tanya Dayaram at .